Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here's my final shot for this semester. I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. I didn't get to add everything that I wanted because of time limitations. In the future I may add some leaping piranhas. For now, I'm calling it done. It was a really great shot to work on as a final because it helped me deal with, not only an andvanced physical motion. but also a lot of technical issues with constraints and parenting. Hopefully you can't tell, but there's actually 3 different versions of the character used in this shot which I had to seamlessly meld. This was something that I'd never tried before but gave it a shot at the advice of my mentor. It ended up saving me a lot of hastle in the end but was still a bit of a trial to get the transitions working nicely. I'm glad the semester is over for now as I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas break. Stop back for more after the holiday season when I start my first acting class. Merry Christmas!

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